Of course Matthew really likes his hair short. I think this is probably because he hates having it picked out. However, he was very proud of his short new do.
Here's another before. You can see Matthew's unshorn mane as he sits on my shoulders using my head as a drum:
Garrett, also, needed a summer cut. Here he is showing off his stylable hair just before the trimming.
And here is the after. No more spikey bangs or faux-hawks. It's kind of a summery farm-boy look sure, but its cute and easy.
So here's our two boys, set for summer. This should have been the end of the blog. But alas, it continues.
You see, Garrett's hair was just long enough to still need attention every once in a while. I figured we'd re-trim his head just before we launched off on our summer vacation. Lori starting thinking maybe she could take of just a little bit more. She didn't discuss this idea with me. I was out mowing the grass. There was very little to start with, so we were left with only a bit.

She explains this all on her blog. How things happened. I give you . . . .
Garrett . . .
While my youngest son can rock the nearly bald look, I'm not so sure about G. My first thought was he looks like a chemo patient. He actually has some hair, its just so blond that the small amount looks nearly transparent on his scalp.
At least he likes it, and the crew cut is fun to rub. And who knows if he decides on a future in the Marine Corp or as an actor playing Lex Luthor he already will know the shape of his cranium.
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