Monday, December 8, 2008

Tree Girl

So moving out of our house was not so much fun. There was cleaning galore. You should have seen the ridiculous multiple page list of our responsibilities. It included items like cleaning behind the oven. This, by the way, was something that neither the previous tenants nor the rental company had done. It was quite evident by the accumulated filth that my wife cleaned from behind said appliance--filth that obviously predated us.

Anyway, we left the house exceedingly clean both inside and outside. This included hours of weeding* outside and lots of cleaning inside. This was based on two very important reasons: 1) our belief you should leave a place in at least as good of condition as you found it and 2) the fact that we wanted our entire security deposit back.

All this to say that my favorite part of the entire marathon cleaning event may have been the removal of Garrett's swing from the back yard tree. Lori's dad had climbed the tree and affixed the ropes. When it came time to get the ropes down, it was Lori who climbed to undo her dad's project.

I have to say that I volunteered to adventure up through the branches, however, my wife who knows my general fear of heights, decided that she should be the one to scurry up into the foliage.
I have to say that I was proud of my wife. I don't know many other mothers who climb out onto brances to untie knots and rescue ropes. Garrett was impressed. Then again, Garrett wanted to climb the tree as well. Of course, he's related to his mom, who is related to her dad.