My oldest, Garrett, loves his Geotrax train set. He has a large accumulation of track and engines that have been bestowed upon him by various relatives. I don't know that we bought one single Geotrax piece. Yet, his playroom floor is covered by his sprawling Geo-town. There's central station, the saw mill, a bridge, a barn, and even a flying plane. I'm sure I would have loved to have owned such a cool toy set when I was younger.
Of course, seeing how he plays with these toys I'm wondering how he views the world. The other day he was playing with his Geotrax ambulance. here is a picture.

I'm certain he didn't give the situation as much thought as I did . . . Nevertheless, if an ambulance ever comes for me and the driver lookes like this (see below) I'M GONNA RUN! Fast! There is a little man that came with the ambulance. He is all professional looking dressed in his official uniform. Yet, Axe-man is who Garrett chose to drive the rescue vehicle. I'm just saying, pretty scary ambulance driver.

Thinking of that crazed axe wielding ambulance driver may give me nightmares. And now, suddenly, I'm having flashbacks from the end of The Twilight Zone movie from the 1980s.
Actually, the whole thing made me laugh--playing with Garrett has been known to induce involuntary smiling.